Anahid Norouzian

Greetings! My name is Anahid Norouzian. I was born in Tehran and I am 35 years old.
I have a Master's degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Azad University of Tehran and I have an MBA from University of Tehran.
I have a multidisciplinary background and I have worked in different multinational organizations such as Nestle, Bayer AG and Chr. Hansen. I also have done an Internship in the United Nations. As for the volunteer activity, I have worked in a Rehabilitation Foundation for mentally disabled girls.
Currently I am placed in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of RA and I work in the department for Foreign Relations and Diaspora in which I am working on projects to increase the number of foreign applicants in the universities of RA.
News and announcements

14 April 2021
Professional repatriation is among the top goals for Diaspora Armenian specialists working in the Republic of Armenia state system as part of the "iGorts" program.
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