The Republic of Armenia High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan's Address on the Occasion of the 108th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

24 April 2023

Dear compatriots,

Today marks the 108th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian nation collectively memorializes the memory of 1.5 million innocent victims, keeping alive one of the darkest moments in the history of the world. Of course, the Armenian Genocide is not merely a historical fact that has remained in the midst of the distant past. Today, we are witnessing how the younger brother of genocidal Turkey threatens the Armenian people living on their ancestral lands with a new massacre. While Artsakh remains besieged, the civilized world refuses to break its silence. We must recognize that today, as 108 years ago, we can depend solely on our collective strength, united effort, and our unyielding spirit. We must be united, and united we will overcome all obstacles and carve out the future we have all dreamt of. Otherwise, we will lose the remaining part of our homeland and turn the last page in the history of the Armenian nation.

Therefore, let's truly honor the memory of our martyrs, looking to the future from the vantage point of history let’s turn our eyes to our motherland. Let's unite around our statehood as an incontestable and non-negotiable value, as the only guarantor of our survival and the only guarantee for the realization of our dreams. Let's invest our effort, our knowledge, our thought, and our pan-Armenian potential in strengthening and developing our state.

Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office