The second day of the Armenian Youth Forum has come to an end

02 August 2023

The Armenian Youth Forum organized by the Office of the RA High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs continues in Yerevan with the participation of more than 600 young people from more than 50 countries.

During the second day of the forum, Armenian member of the Swedish Parliament Arin Karapet delivered a welcoming speech.

As the main speaker of the day, Madlen Minassian, Head of Training and Development at Picsart, gave a speech on "Design the Now: Armenia as the Nexus of Innovation".

The panel discussion on "Candid Conversations: Determining Priorities & Defining Youth's Role in Strengthening Diaspora-Armenia Relations" was attended by Armenia’s High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan, researcher at the Dearborn Armenian Research Center of the University of MichiganVahe Sahakyan, researcher at the Free University of Brussels Nicholas Tavitian, professor and analyst of Schiller International University Tigran Yegavian, Head of the Department of Diaspora Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Syuzanna Barseghyan. The session was moderated by Haik Khanamiryan, Head of the Dutch company "Consultancy HK".

Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan participated in a question-and-answer session on national security. The discussion was moderated by Talin Papazian, French-Armenian Director of the Armenian Peace Initiative.

In the afternoon, the forum participants continued with master classes and discussions, which were related to the creation and development of an effective youth organization, closer cooperation between Diaspora organizations and deepening interaction between Diasporas of allied countries, public relations, media relations and promotion of the Armenian brand. The formats were moderated by former Michigan House of Representatives member Mari Manoogian, founder of Miaseen Inc. platform Anthony Abaci, Chairman of the National and cultural Autonomy of the Armenians of Chita Harutyun Atoyan, as well as other invited experts from the United States, Russia, Sweden, Belarus, Argentina and France.

The panel discussion "Exploring Opportunities in the Homeland: Volunteering, Employment, and Business" featured speeches by Hovsep Patvakanyan, Head of the Investment Council of Armenia, Sarah Stites, Development Specialist of Caritas Aregak Foundation, Patrick Elliot, Founder of PA Consulting, Hiroki Tachiiri, Founder of Tokyooo Restaurant, Armen Begijani, Program Coordinator of Children of Armenia Charitable Foundation. The session was moderated by Lusine Kasarjian, co-founder and executive director of Sensyan Club, former director of Armenia Tree Project, co-founder of ReAnimania and RepatArmenia.

Afterwards, the forum participants took part in the exhibition of resources and opportunities, where they got acquainted with the programs of a number of organizations creating and seeking opportunities in Armenia.

Repatriation and Integration Center of the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, Investment Support Center, Armenian General Benevolent Union, Repat Armenia, Move2Armenia, Birthright Armenia, Teach Armenia, American and Russian-Armenian Universities,, Haste to Good and Viva educational platforms, Tumanyan Online and MAM international schools, VOMA and Matena NGOs, Armenian Progressive Youth, Strong Mind and Hub Artsakh NGOs, reArmenia platform were represented at the event.

The day concluded with a program entitled "Ethnocultural Dialogue" at the Cafesjian Center for the Arts.

Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office