Launch of the “Diaspora Youth Ambassador” Programme 2023-2024

27 September 2023

The “Diaspora Youth Ambassador” programme for 2023-2024 has officially launched with the arrival of participants in Armenia. This programme is presented by the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs.

During this critical period, youth from the Diaspora will have the opportunity to partake in activities in Armenia over a span of 2 weeks, that will allow them to better understand their homeland. Upon returning to their communities, they will continue their efforts, such as raising awareness, and globally sharing information about the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

The programme participants range from community leaders, educators, and youth organization members, between the ages of 22-35. Participants are from a wide range of countries such as France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Brazil, Russia, and more.

The programme has been implemented for a third year in a row. Its purpose is to guide Armenian youth from the Diaspora to develop a better understanding of the political, social, economic, and other issues in Armenia. It also aims to encourage their active participation in community life and enhance their efforts.

On September 24, the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs marked the start of the programme. High Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan welcomed 18 participants, and discussed current events, such as the evolving situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. He emphasized the important role of Diaspora Armenian youth spreading reliable information not only within Diaspora communities, but in foreign countries as well.

Zareh Sinanyan expressed his gratitude to the participants who came to support Armenia during this difficult time. He also emphasized the purpose of the programme, which is to strengthen the ties between Armenia and the Diaspora, provide opportunities for youth from the Diaspora to gain further knowledge about Armenia, and identify the ways in which they can  contribute to its development. 

“The “Diaspora Youth Ambassador” programme aims to bring the diaspora closer to the youth of Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, and the Diaspora itself. It provides an opportunity for Diaspora to get to know each other, a network of active Diaspora-Armenian youth to form, and having young colleagues from the team within various communities,” stated Zareh Sinanyan.

Greta Mnatsakanyan, head of the "Diaspora Youth Ambassador" programme, presented the main objectives of the program.

“The training course in Armenia consists of both theoretical and practical components. It includes lectures, workshops, meetings, as well as visits to government, educational, and cultural institutions, along with memorable places. Afterwards, participants will organize informative meetings and events within their own communities in order to share their experiences, participate in inter-community work, as well as collaborate with media organizations,” explained Greta Mnatsakanyan.

The program is financed by the Government of the Republic of Armenia, along with the support of the “Jinishian Memorial Foundation.” 

Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office