Visit to K. Tahta Armenian Community Sunday School in London

08 December 2023

High Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan paid a visit to the K. Tahta Armenian Community Sunday School in London, where he held discussions with director Ruzanna Tatulyan and members of the board.

Established in 1978, the school offers education in various aspects of Armenian culture, including both Western and Eastern Armenian languages, Armenian history, as well as traditional song and dance, spanning from kindergarten to ninth grade. 

Ruzanna Tatulyan highlighted the current enrollment of 130 students and raised concerns about textbook delivery from Armenia, criteria for passing the Armenian as a second language exam in Armenian communities, and the issuance of state-recognized certificates during the meeting.

Zareh Sinanyan stated, "The school serves not just as an educational hub for Armenian children but also as an Armenian center for their parents. I'm pleased to see that the children relish their time at the school. I genuinely hope to witness many of them actively engaging in our “Step toward Home” educational program."

Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office