Chief of Staff of the Office concludes his visit to Barcelona

02 April 2024

During his working visit to Barcelona, Chief of Staff at the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Mushegh Ghukasyan attended the official closing ceremony of the 24th Euro-Armenian Games.

He delivered High Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan's welcome speech to the attendees before proceeding to present trophies to the teams that secured prize positions. While on his visit, Mushegh Ghukasyan visited the dance school affiliated with the "Hayk" union and held a meeting with Hayk Yeghiazaryan, the head of the union, along with school students and parents. The Chief of Staff of the Office toured the school, becoming familiar with its activities and challenges. The programs and activities of the Office were presented during the visit.

During the meeting with Sargis Hakobyan, the head of the "Ararat" association of Armenians of Santa Coloma, discussions revolved around potential collaboration between the organization and the Office on various projects.

Mushegh Ghukasyan also took part in the service dedicated to the Holy Resurrection at the Església de la Mare de Déudels Àngels church.  Following the service, he held a brief meeting with the patriarchal delegate of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church in Spain and Portugal, Very Rev. Father Shnorhk Sargsyan and the Chairman of the Armenian Apostolic Church Council of Barcelona.





Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office