Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received the Commissioners of Diaspora affairs in foreign countries

23 September 2024

Welcoming the attendees, the Prime Minister highlighted the accomplishment of the Institute of Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs. "Years ago we had a political decision, now it has a very specific function and is on the way to accomplishment. What is our aim and purpose? Our goal is to make Armenia-Diaspora relations more institutional and state-centered, and to try to form a system that will give the opportunity to be in daily conversation with our communities in the Diaspora on behalf of the Republic of Armenia, and in some sense, the problems, agendas, concerns, issues of the Diaspora be presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia in an institutionalized and systematic manner," Nikol Pashinyan noted.

According to the Prime Minister, it is important to clearly divide the functions and record that the Diaspora, no matter how important and valuable it is to us, but it's not a government institution, and vice the versa, no matter how important and dear the Republic of Armenia is for the Diaspora, the Republic of Armenia is not an institution for the management of the Diaspora affairs. “This is a very important feature. And what are those relations like? It should be noted that, of course, there are various formulations of this issue, they have always existed, but we need to adjust the relationship between these formulations and reality.

Let me also say that perhaps there is a need to formulate and propose answers to that question in a new situation. And in that matter, of course, we count on you, because this is not the case where the Government will put some kind of wording on the table. We can say ideas, we can have proposals, we can have reactions to your proposals, but it is a work that we must do together," said the Prime Minister.

According to Nikol Pashinyan, this is a situation and work that has many questions and today it is not the case that there are answers to all questions. At the same time, the Prime Minister expressed his belief that together they will be able to find answers to the questions. "But let's also say that the list of questions is not formulated very clearly. In other words, naturally, a new institution, new questions, a new point of view, new perspectives, and I will not try to use today's opportunity to go into such substantive details. I just want to welcome you all, express my joy and satisfaction at the opportunity to have such contact, and thank you for your willingness to take on this really difficult function, because the leverage is low, the responsibility is great, and of course, it requires certain courage and bravery from everyone on the way to assume that status," the Head of the Government noted and welcomed the move of the commissioners, their intention to advance the agenda that exists and can exist between the Republic of Armenia and the Armenians of the world.

High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan noted that the commissioners are involved in community life and have serious ties with Armenia, are ready to undertake the work and be a link between the office of the High Commissioner of Diaspora and the communities. Zareh Sinanyan informed that the number of commissioners already exceeds a dozen and the process of appointing commissioners in different countries of the world is continuous.

Prime Minister Pashinyan called on the attendees to be focused on Armenia and its interests during their activities, to make Armenia one of the most important components of identity.

During the meeting, issues related to the functions of the Institute of Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs and the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora relations were discussed.

Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office