The will to win must tell us that we will not retreat, we will not be broken. - Prime Minister Pashinyan

21 October 2020

The 25th day of the war has passed. Azerbaijan continues to target peaceful settlements in Artsakh. Today at dawn, Martakert, and its surrounding villages, were targeted again by the adversary. The air defense units of the Artsakh Defense Army hit an enemy plane in the southern direction at around 8:30. According to the Artsakh Defense Army, as of October 21, the number of servicemen killed during the repulse of the Azerbaijani aggression has reached 834.

RA Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. The agenda of the meeting included the most urgent issues related to the properational situation in the NK conflict zone and the ceasefire agreements.

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated live on Facebook that at this stage, the Nagorno Karabakh issue has no diplomatic solution. "This is a turning point, and this should solve the problems that the Armenian people have had for the past 500 years."

Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office