Summary of the first semester of iGorts 2022

03 Fabruary 2023

The participants in the «iGorts 2022» programme have summarized their first six months of activity. There are currently 48 specialists working in 24 agencies in Armenia and Artsakh.

At the beginning of the meeting, the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, Zareh Sinanyan, noted that the programme had been effectively implemented for the 3rd year, providing Diaspora professionals with an opportunity to contribute to Armenia's statehood. «Seeing the successes achieved so far, dozens of programmes implemented, we remain committed to the idea that the diaspora must become more and more involved in the circles of governance in Armenia,» stressed Zareh Sinanyan. He also stressed the high number of repatriated participants in previous years that consider Armenia their permanent residence and work, and he expressed. He expressed the hope that iGorts 2022 specialists would also think the same. 

The programme participants then discussed their initiatives, new programmes, challenges and opportunities.


Սփյուռքի Գլխավոր Հանձնակատարի Գրասենյակ Diaspora High Commissioner's Office