Sahag Mahrejian

I started my career in Management Consultancy after moving to the Kingdom of Bahrain from Canada – where I had done my MBA in management at Concordia University with a sub-specialty in Healthcare Management at McGill.
With a lucky stroke, I had the opportunity to manage many large-scale projects in the region and soon I was heading the Business Advisory division in a Management Consulting firm.
During my tenure, many interesting projects came my way, both in the Public and Private sectors: Large ship repair, Formula One circuit, National Digital Transformation agenda, Public Services design etc.
I was primarily in the fields of Strategy, Business Processes & Digital Transformation.
At present, I serve in the Office of the Prime Minister, where we want to develop a long-term Strategy for Armenia. We want this Strategy to engage all Armenians worldwide towards a large-scale and multifaceted growth, realizing a vision based on our root values.