Vladimir Harutyunyan

I am Vladimir Harutyunyan. I was born in Russia and had lived in Armenia and Cyprus before moving to Los Angeles with my family.
I obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in civil engineering and was active in Armenian student associations during my studies. I am currently a structural engineer working for the City of Los Angeles. I am also the president of VBA Consulting Group, an architectural and structural design firm. My professional endeavors have led me to be active in various professional Armenian organizations in Los Angeles.
We have a very large and diverse Armenian community here in Los Angeles. With so much diversity, it is very difficult to keep everyone unified. My goal is to push initiatives to help strengthen the unity within our community. There are a lot of things that cause division between us, I however want to focus on those that help unite us. I will also incentivize my community to establish and maintain a healthy relationship with Armenia and Artsakh. It is very important for all of us in the diaspora to be connected and aware of the situation and to get acquainted with the opportunities and the problems in our Homeland.