Argine Badalyan

My name is Argine Badalyan. I am 29 years old from the city of Koblenz in Germany’s Rhineland-Palatinate state.
I graduated from the Yerevan State University, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, first receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Philology, a certificate as a German language teacher, and then a Master’s Degree in the same field.
Currently, I am a postgraduate student at the University of Koblenz, the Department of the Media Sciences, the Institute of Philology and Cultural Studies. I conduct research on the migration discourse in the German-language media. At the same time, I work at the aforementioned university as a coordinator of one of the university’s internationalization programs. I am also a recipient of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation scholarship.
My work in the community began with the establishment of the “MONTE” Armenian educational center in the city of Koblenz. In addition to teaching Armenian language, history, and culture, we also showcase Armenian culture together with our students at various cultural events in Koblenz.
As a participant of the Diaspora Youth Ambassador program, I wish to not only support the deepening of Armenia-Diaspora relations, increase activity in the German-Armenian community, enlarge collaboration with youth associations, and create a unified platform, but also to address and solve the issues of the Armenian educational centers in the Diaspora.