Luiza Gragati Hakobyan

My name is Luiza Gragati Hakobyan. I am a painter, photographer, and sculptor from a family of artists. I received my initial professional education in my homeland, graduating from the Panos Terlemezian Yerevan State College of Fine Arts in 2005, then from the Yerevan Academy of Fine Arts in 2009, and finally in Saint Petersburg.
In 2015, I moved to France to master my understanding of European academic art.
While living in France, I have continued to deal with the matter of preserving Armenian culture.
Currently, I am the founder-director of the JAF French-Armenian youth union at the Minas Avetisyan School of Fine Arts, and happily pass on my professional knowledge to the new generation. My students and I often showcase Armenian culture during important French events. In these difficult times, I try to encourage my community to form and maintain healthy relations with the homeland through culture, and the GRAGATI art studio I founded has become a unique gathering place for artists and art lovers.
I created the four-part frescoes and manuscripts on the walls of the Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church in Beaumont, as well as the realistic paintings hanging in the Armenian Apostolic Cathedral in Marseilles, which were blessed by the head of the Armenian Apostolic Diocese of France.
As a Diaspora Youth Ambassador Program representing France, I plan on improving the connection between Armenia and the Diaspora, and actively collaborate with the Armenian communities of various countries.