Liana Shalunts

Liana Shalunts is from the city of Irkutsk (Russian Federation).
In 2013, she graduated with honours from the Irkutsk State University of Transport (Technosphere Security), environmental engineering protection. In 2016, she completed her postgraduate studies with the qualification of ecologist.
Candidate of technical sciences, in 2021 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic of "Change and study of the absorption efficiency of sulphur-containing polymer for the treatment of metal-containing wastewater". She is the author of 1 patent and 21 scientific papers (Scopus, WoS, Higher Certification Commission of the Russian Federation).
In 2023, she graduated with honours from Rostov Humanitarian and Technical University with the qualification of a psychologist.
She completed the training in the following areas: "Fundamentals of Public Administration and Public Service in the Russian Federation" at RANEPA, and also "Fundamentals of Intellectual Property" at WIPO Academy.
She worked for almost 10 years in the one of the largest company, "Russian Railways" OJSC.
Engineer of the Year of the Russian Federation, multiple winner and participant of all-Russian and international grant competitions, international conferences, and also volunteers.
She has dreamed of living in the homeland and using her knowledge for the benefit of her country.
As part of the "iGorts" program, she works at the RA Ministry of Environment.