Lilit Mesropyan

Lilit Mesropyan graduated from the Southern Federal University in 2008 with a degree in Russian language, Literature and Foreign language.
In 2006-2009, she studied at the Russian-German Institute of Independent Journalism. In 2008, she became a DAAD scholarship holder and studied under the Journalisten International program at the College of Journalists of the Free University of Berlin, retrained at the "Deutsche Presse-Agentur " (Berlin, Potsdam).
In April 2014, Lilit defended her PhD thesis in the field of legal linguistics, receiving the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences. In 2021, she received a degree in psychology.
Lilit is currently one of the leading forensic experts in the field of linguistics in the Russian Federation. Since 2015, she has been the founding director of the autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Criminal Procedural Expertise and Humanitarian and Applied Research " Lingvosudexpert.
Lilit is the author of more than 30 scientific papers. She has developed and teaches the following courses in the master's program: linguistic forensic medical examination, legal linguistics, linguistic expertise, extremism (monitoring, expertise, prevention), communications technologies of involvement in destructive social practice, etc.
Lilit is a member of the Expert Council of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs of the Government of the Russian Federation and member of the Expert Council of the Center for the Prevention of Religious and Ethnic Extremism in Educational Organizations of the Russian Federation. For her expert work, she has received many certificates of appreciation from various structures of various law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.
Her workplace within the framework of the "iGorts " program is at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.