Shushan Muradyan

Shushan Muradyan was born in Armenia and grew up in France from the age of 7. After obtaining a French/Italian baccalaureate with distinction, she obtained her law degree from the University of Lorraine in Nancy before attending the prestigious Master of Business Law in the same place. After obtaining her Master 1, she joined one of the best Masters in France, specialised in International and European Business Law and co-directed by the eminent Dean Olivier Cachard. She interned at several law firms in France and Luxembourg.
During her studies, Shushan started her career at CMS Luxembourg. Starting in the employment and dispute resolution department, Shushan developed a particular interest in business litigation. During her studies, Shushan observed how disputes are resolved through arbitration. Her professional experience and academic background have enabled her to deepen her knowledge of international law.
In addition to her professional career, Shushan is committed to representing Armenia in France through its associations. Deeply involved in the Armenian community in France, Shushan is also passionate about politics and theatre.
Thanks to the iGorts programme, Shushan has been selected to join the Office of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia on International Legal Matters in the Department of Representation of the Republic of Armenia in International Investment Arbitration, which this year for the first time decided to welcome an Armenian expert from the Diaspora.