Lyudmila Amirjanyan

My name is Lyudmila Amirjanyan. I was born in 1988 in the Lori region.
I attended the secondary school of Bazum village, Gugark region.
After finishing the 5th grade at the age of 11 my family (my parents, my brother and I) moved to the Perm region of Russia. After graduating from school, I studied at the Faculty of Law of Perm State University. In 2009, I got married and a year later our new family moved to the city of Sochi.
Despite the fact that our move from Armenia happened at a young age, it affected me very strongly and had negative consequences as being full and happy I did not feel at home and I always had a cherished dream of returning to Armenia.
In different periods of my life I was active in my profession, I was also engaged in private business, but my main and most important occupation was motherhood. I have three sons: 12, 10 and 4 years.
Throughout my entire conscious life I have been an activist in the public life of the Armenian Diaspora, as well as a conscious citizen and eco-activist. My dream is for our sons to live in Armenia and develop in their homeland. I also strive for repatriation. I think that we must protect our land, physically standing on it.
However, realizing the fact that, unfortunately, not all our compatriots are ready for repatriation, I believe that it is my duty to work with them here, in the Diaspora. It is necessary to continue efforts towards broadening ties with the homeland, educating our compatriots, developing their connection with the roots through our history, art, literature and other values important for identity. The end result and purpose of the job is to make as many Armenians as possible want to return to their homeland and learn about our history and culture.