Bedros Astourian

My name is Bedros Astourian. I am 27 years old, born and live in Paris.
Innovative, entrepreneurial, and patriotic, I am deeply connected to my Armenian roots and am committed to strengthening the ties between Armenia and France.
I studied in Paris at EPITECH, the European Institute of Technology, and have been working in the IT sector for over 7 years, either through various projects I have launched or as a consultant. I have also recently co-founded Apricot Labs, an offshore development company based in Armenia, aimed at providing European and American companies with Armenian developers.
I am also the president of G2iA (Armenian International Interprofessional Group), which has been the leading French-Armenian business association for over 43 years.
G2iA's mission is to foster economic partnerships between France and Armenia by promoting Armenian businesses and expertise in France, as well as supporting French companies in establishing themselves in Armenia.
Diplomatic ties between France and Armenia are well established; it is time to do the same for economic ones.