Gayane Karapetyan

My name is Gayane Karapetyan and I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in Russia, in the city of Tver. I graduated from Tver State Medical University (The Faculty of General Medicine) in 2023. Now I am a medical resident as a general practitioner.
I have experience in volunteering. I was a member of the Tver branch of the All-Russian Public Movement “Volunteers of Victory” from 2015 to 2020. I took part in various city patriotic activities.
Due to certain circumstances, the last time I was in Armenia was in 2017, but thanks to my parents’ upbringing, I speak, write and read in Armenian, study history, and honor culture and traditions. I annually represent Armenian culture together with Armenians from my university at the New Year Festival of National Cultures of TSMU since 2018. Over time, I realized that I want to be active in local affairs again and to become part of the active Armenian youth of the city, so the next big step for me was joining in a number of communities.
Since September 2023, I have been a member of the Urartu Youth Association of the Ararat Armenian National Cultural Autonomy in Tver. I take part in representing our community at various cultural events in the city and help in holding roundtable discussions dedicated to the study of Armenian history and culture. Thanks to communication with compatriots and thanks to participation in international events I began to feel that my connection with Armenia was becoming stronger.
I think that the knowledge gained in the Diaspora Youth Ambassador Program will help to improve the organization of the community’s work to solve the most important tasks, which are the unity of the Armenian people, the preservation of our traditions and identity, as well as strengthening ties between the community and Armenia.