Anahit Grigoryan

I am Anahit Grigoryan. I was born and raised in Armenia. In 2017, I moved to St. Petersburg. I received my higher education in St. Petersburg, having graduated from the University under the IPA EurAsEC with a Bachelor's Degree in Law.
My active work in the Armenian community began in March 2022, when I joined the new generation of the youth organization “Nor Serund”. I participated in the formation of the new team of “Nor Serund”.
In 2022-2023, I represented the organization at the Pan-Armenian Forum “HEHEM”. This allowed me to establish connections with Armenian communities around the world and expand opportunities for cooperation.
I have been studying Armenian ethnic dances in the Zartonk ensemble since 2023 and I am a member of its organizational council.
Currently, I am one of the main figures in the youth union “Nor Serund” of the Armenian Apostolic Church. My area of expertise includes coordinating the work of the HR group, monitoring and organizing participation in city and interfaith events in the city, as well as active work in the media team.
In addition to these tasks I have undertaken an important responsibility of educating the youth, teaching them their history and their native language.
As a participant in the Diaspora Youth Ambassador program, I intend to strengthen ties with the homeland, promote unity of the Diaspora, support the cultural heritage and identity of the community, develop youth initiatives and promote effective interaction between the Diaspora and Armenia.