The High Commissioner spoke at the European Economic Forum
07 September 2023
High Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan participated as a speaker at the European Economic Forum, which is taking place in Poland this year, hosting 4000 participants. The High Commissioner participated in the panel discussion entitled “The Policy of States Towards Their Diasporas and Mutual Relations”, alongside the Director of the Lithuanian state’s Global Lithuania Department Lina Žukauskaitė. The panel was moderated by Poland’s Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad, Secretary of State Jan Dziedziczak.
Representatives, diplomats, government officials, and researchers from various European countries, as well as representatives of the Armenian communities of Poland, Moldova, and Ukraine attended the discussion.
Zareh Sinanyan presented the history of the formation and development of the Armenian Diaspora, its distinguishing characteristics, and geographic reach, and gave an expansive overview of the strategic directions of the state’s work with the Diaspora. “Our work is in several directions, but if we divide them into two major categories, they would be repatriation and involving the Diaspora’s potential in all of the homeland’s various processes. We believe that the homeland-Diaspora relationship is a two-way street, and expecting a long-term result is impossible without reciprocity and a joint investment of resources”, noted the High Commissioner, while presenting the newly established Repatriation and Integration Center, the “iGorts” program for Diaspora Armenians working in the RA government system, the “Diaspora Youth Ambassador” program fostering youth leadership, and the “Step Towards Home” educational program for Diaspora youth. Mr. Sinanyan also mentioned the Office’s work regarding the mapping of the Armenian Diaspora, communication with Diaspora communities, conferences planned by the Office, and the investments made by Diasporans in the homeland. “I would like to mention that the Armenian Diaspora is dedicated to the protection of Armenian interests. We may not have natural resources, but we have a large Diaspora, with which effective collaboration serves as a supporting pillar for us in the world”, outlined Zareh Sinanyan.
The Director of the Global Lithuania Department Lina Žukauskaitė presented the state’s work with the diaspora and its programs, primarily focusing on improving Lithuanian language education in their diaspora communities, connections with youth, and repatriation.
Poland’s Government Plenipotentiary for the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad Jan Dziedziczak noted that Poland, having a diaspora of 20 million, places great importance on the exchange of experience with countries which have diasporas. “Armenia’s experience with major and innovative approaches is very important to us. I am grateful to you, High Commissioner, because the idea of organizing a session dedicated to the topic of diasporas within this great forum, which attracted significant interest today, emerged from a meeting I had with you during my trip to Armenia several months ago. I sincerely hope that we will continue close collaboration with both Armenia and Lithuania on diaspora issues”, Mr. Dziedziczak noted.
At the end of the day, High Commissioner Zareh Sinanyan took part in the Forum’s award ceremony.