Ruzanna Grigoryan

My name is Ruzanna Grigoryan. I was born and raised in Latvia, and I believe I am a successful example of integration into Latvian society. At the same time, I grew up with Armenian heritage, carrying the language and traditions throughout my childhood. My parents taught me Armenian at home, and while I was struggling to make friends with other children, I was trying to teach them Armenian as well. Indeed, I was the child who would ask about other kids’ nationalities in kindergarten and proudly tell them that I was Armenian.
I studied International Economic Relations at the University of Latvia in Riga. Since 2012, I have been actively involved in Armenian folk dance groups and have become an active participant in community life. In 2020, the Youth Committee of the Armenian Diocese in the Baltic States (Armenian Unity of Latvia) was established. As a board member, I am responsible for communication with Latvian authorities and the Armenian diaspora in Latvia. Our tasks include organizing various events to help Armenians connect with each other and contribute to the well-being of both our country and our nation. In my professional life, I serve the Latvian government, as Latvia is my motherland and has provided me with the best education and skills.
Nevertheless, I remain committed to supporting my historical homeland—Armenia—by acting as a bridge between the two countries. I am honored to be part of this project. I am confident that, together with other members of the Armenian diaspora, we will help Armenia overcome challenges and strengthen connections between the 10 million-strong Armenian Diaspora and our homeland. If every Armenian could give just one luma, Armenia would become more prosperous.